«Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine» was founded in 1989 by Pierangelo Schiera at the Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento. Since 2011 it is published only in electronic format. Our choice is not simply to assume an interdisciplinary approach, but to work on the lines of connection and overlapping between the different disciplines, observing the intrinsic but hidden politicality of thought and the historical processes that go and move with it.

Editor: Maurizio Ricciardi
Associate Editors: Raffaella Baritono, Sandro Mezzadra, Luca Scuccimarra
Managing Editor: Roberta Ferrari
Editorial Board
International Scientific Board
Editorial Staff
Legal Representative Editor: Riccardo Rimondi

The journal is rated "A", by the Italian academic research evaluation agency (ANVUR) for the Scientific and Disciplinary Sectors 14/A1, Political Philosophy, 14/B1 History of Political Thought, 14/B2 History of International Relations, of non-European societies and institutions and it is indexed by DOAJ, ACNP, BASE, Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, JURN, PLEIADI, Web of Science – ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index).

Current Issue

Vol. 35 No. 69 (2023): Infrastructures and platforms. Theories, Politics and Planetary Processes (Edited by Niccolò Cuppini)
Published: 2024-02-07
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