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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the previous Author Guidelines section.
  • The author is aware of the reviewing and editing process of the Journal.

Author Guidelines

We invite the author to send the proposal to:

Articles should have a maximum length of 50.000 characters.

We invite the author to send the proposal explaining briefly the main subject of the article, the sources used and the foreseen delivery time.


500/600 characters (spaces included), both in the language of the article and in English


Five keywords in the same languages as the ones used in the abstracts


  • character dimension 10

  • first line indent 0.5

  • foreign words must be italicized (example: verfassung) unless they are commonly used in everyday speaking and writing (example: élite)

Quotations shorter than two typed lines must be included in the paragraph and must be put in guillemet «».

Quotations longer than two typed lines must be separated from text in a block quote with the following features

  • characterdimension 9

  • left indent 0.5

  • right indent 0

  • spacing (before and after) 6

  • single line-spacing

  • quotation in guillemets «»

Eventual quotations inside the quotation must be put in curly double quotes “”

Notes (notes must always be footnotes)

  • character dimension 8

  • no indent

  • single line-spacing

  • the name of the author must be in small capitals

  • the title of the work must be italicized

  • include the place, the publisher and date of publication

Example: F. Bracco, Louis Blanc, dalla democrazia politica alla democrazia sociale (1830-1840), Firenze, Centro editoriale toscano, 1983.

In the case of edited works (a cura di); if there is more than one editor, (a cura di) must be substituted with (eds) and their names must be divided with an hyphen -.

Example: R. Gherardi (ed), La politica e gli Stati. Problemi e figure del pensiero occidentale, Roma, Carrocci, 2004.

or: W. Pleister – W. Schild (edd), Recht und Gerechtigkeit im Spiegel der europäischen Kunst, Köln, DuMont, 1988.

Essays or chapters in edited books:

L. Elia, La proposta politica istituzionale di Ruffilli, in M. Ridolfi (ed), Roberto Ruffilli. Un percorso di ricerca, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1990, pp. 61-69.

In a collection of essays of the same author, the name of the author must be repeated, do not use Idem or Id.:

Example: M. Weber, La scienza come professione (1919), in M. Weber, Il lavoro intellettuale come professione. Due saggi, Torino, Einaudi, 1980, pp. 5-43.

Translated Books:

The author should derive quotations from editions of the work which are written in the same language as the article. The date of publication of the original work should be added in parentheses ( ), after the title.

Example: P. Rosanvallon, La nuova questione sociale (1995), Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 1997.

Journal Article:

The journal title must be put in guillemets «», followed by volume, number and year of publication. Number and year must be separated by a slash / .

Example: E. Scheil, La Melancolia § I di Durer e la Giustizia, in «Scienza & Politica», 39/2008, pp. 89-107.

Newspaper: S.G. FREEDMAN, Harlem and the Speculators: Big Profit but Little Renewal, «New York Times», Dec. 19, 1986.

Website: P. PETRIK, Scholarship on the Web: Managing & Presenting Endnotes & Footnotes, «Archiva»,, letto il 25 febbraio 2102.

On-line Journal: S.R. HAYNES, Original Dishonor: Noah’s Curse and the Southern Defense of Slavery, «Journal of Southern Religion» 3/2000,, pp. 9–11, letto il 25 febbraio 2012.

Data: Pagina sulla Tunisia, «Internet World Stats Website» ,, letto il 25 febbraio 2012.

Any subsequent reference to the same item:

If the item is cited in succession use Ibidem; if the item is cited in succession but for a different page use Ivi followed by the page number.

If the item is in a previous note: Author, Title (the whole title or part of it, depending on the length. Do not use ellipses), followed by the page number.

Example: E. Scheil, La Melancolia § I di Durer, p. 91.

The journal allows the reprinting of postprint on other websites or institutional archives, also in the definitive editorial version.
We consider also the publication of preprint which have been already published or inserted in institutional archives.
The authors who print on this journal maintain the copyrights.
The authors who want to publish on our journal are required to sign the disclaimer:
Liberatoria (docx)
Please send it signed, along with a copy of your ID document to:

studio del prof. Maurizio Ricciardi
Scienza & Politica, per una storia delle dottrine c/o Dipartimento delle Arti – DAR
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Piazzetta G. Morandi, 2
40125 - Bologna (Italy)
editorial team mailbox:


This section publishes the monographic section of the journal, in which different authors explore a given theme from different points of view. The section has one or more editors. Each essay in the monographic section is reviewed according to the criteria stated by Scienza & Politica.


This section contains peer reviewed essays and articles on various subjects with a special attention to political thought, its history and its relations with others scientific disciplines.


 Windward is a section containing essays and articles non peer reviewed characterized by a multidisciplinary approach and joining an open debate or providing a new space of discussion, a laboratory of reflections.

The essays collected by this section are particularly important for Scienza & Politica, a twenty year experiment that means not only to travel through known routes but to proceed also across diverse theoretic scientific meridians and parallels, moving time by time the heading of the vessel on global lines of connections, following and overlapping the diverse maps of scientific disciplines.

«Windward sailing is being in or facing the direction from which the wind is blowing». We thought therefore this section as an open and endless space of navigation, exposed to different and opposing streams, to think and to rethink political, conceptual and doctrinal routes.

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